Html -- Block And Inline Element, Image Tag , List In Html , Anchor Tag

BLOCK ELEMENT:- A block element always begins with a new line. It occupies the complete line or complete block in a web page. In this, the browser default adds space before and after the elements. It can contain an inline element in it. A few Block level codes are - <p> paragraph tag, <h1-h6> tag, <hr> tag, etc.

INLINE ELEMENT:- A Inline element does not need a new line it just requires the space it needs. It does not require a new line. It cannot contain a block-level element.Few inline elements are:- <a> anchor tag, <i> italic tag, <b>, <u>, <aabr>, etc.
IMAGE TAG:- Image is the basic tag in html it provides many functions such as it makes a website look pretty. We can apply it by using <img> tag. Some important attributes of an image tag are src, alt, height, and width. The src tag is for providing the source of the image. The alt tag is used to give the alternative option if the image is not uploaded. Height and width tags are used to fix the size of the image.

LIST IN HTML:- Lists in HTML is used to create points or a list of functions. There are three types of lists in HTML – i) Ordered list, ii) Unordered list iii) Description list. We can use the list by using the tags <ol>, <ul>, <dl> for the following lists. It is used for i) Navigation ii) External references iii) Downloadable content iv) E-commerce v) Social media.

ANCHOR TAG:- We can use anchor tags to interlink web pages and navigate people to other websites. Through <a> tag we can go to another page or website There are some attributes for interlinking webpages they are i)href, ii)target iii)download iv) title.